Sunday, June 26, 2011

Today's exciting fun day

Today I had a sleepover at my friends (it was the day after I slept at his house) and had lots of fun not just with him, but his whole family. After the sleepover I continued my tournament for baseball winning the first game today about 14-2. After the first game, I went to church for my little cousin Tristan's baptism. He was so cute!
After that I went to my aunt Jennifer's house to celebrate the baptism. And after that, I had my baseball finals against the undefeated team. I was surprised, but we won 6-2! And after that exciting game, I went back to my aunt Jennifer's to just relax a bit (and because I wanted to stay a little longer). And that's my exciting and fun day. 
( I'm glad that i'm back to writing my blog)