Sunday, July 29, 2012
Mini putting
Two days ago, Me, my mom and dad all went mini-putting at Golfland. We had a lot of fun, my dad came first, followed by my mom, who only came 2nd by a couple of points. At the end, you putt the ball in a machine which has holes. Some holes took points away from your score and 1 hole got you a free game. My dad got -3 points, my mom got -1 point and I won a free game! I was so happy. The day after, me and my dad played badminton outside. I lost all of the games but I still had a lot of fun. Me and my family also played cranium, which is a board game where you have questions,stunts or guess what someone is drawing. Me and my dad were on a team, against my mom and sister. Me and my dad were winning, until it was their turn. They got the answer right, and if they rolled a 6 they would win. And, they rolled a six. So, we lost, but we were very close.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Lots of playing!

The day after, me, Emily, Alexandra, my dad and my friends Isaac, Aaron and Canaan went to Mont Cascades. There were a lot of cool slides. There was a vortex, dark slides, fast slides and a sort of Boomerang like at Calypso. There was also a racing slide. I once did a false start because I slipped and slid. Whoops! After that, Aaron came over for a sleepover. We played Minecraft and with my sister's hamster, Cotton a.k.a. Squeaky. We also went to me and my sister's soccer games. I had a few breakaways but I missed all of them. Aaron also played on my team as a goalie. The day after, we played Minecraft against each other, badminton,went for a walk and played with Cotton. I lost very badly against Aaron on minecraft because he always stole my items and killed me whenever I was close. We also went to a BBQ after the sleepover. The day after, me and my sister played our DS's in the morning, played badminton, played a back to the future game in our basement and Alexandra came over to play for a couple of minutes. Me and my sister also played on the wii for a bit after Alexandra left.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Sleepover at a friend's
Yesterday, I went bike riding with my dad. We went as far as sarsfield this time. I also played Minecraft. I pretty much just survived the zombies because I was hiding in my house. I also had a sleepover at my friend Isaak's house. My sister also had a sleepover with his sister, Nève. Me and Isaak played our DS's, we swam in their pool, played on the computer and played outside. I had lots of fun. The day after, we played our DS's and swam in the pool. We also just relaxed outside for a bit. Quite a relaxing Sunday.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Bike rides
Yesterday I went to my dad's dentist for his checkup. Me and Emily simply played our DS's while we waited. We also went to dollarama, future shop and Wal-mart. When we got back home, I played minecraft which I got (with the help and permission from my dad) and I had fun playing it. Me and him also went for a bike ride. The road was very bumpy and had a lot of rocks. This was a very fun experience. I also went swimming at my cousin Alexandra's house. We swam for about 15-30 minutes. The day after, I practiced riding my bike on the driveway. I also played with Emily on minecraft and outside.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Swimming at Alexandra's
Today I went to my cousin Alexandra's house to swim. We all did underwater handstand contests (my sister, Alexandra, my dad and me) and I won all of them by a couple of seconds. It's hard because you need to keep your balance and hold your breath at the same time. We also had ice cream before leaving. We relaxed for the rest of the day.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Etienne's house
Yesterday I went to my friend Etienne's house. We went swimming, we played on his trampoline and we played on his Wii. We played wii sports resort, and we were trying to score a secret strike on bowling. You had to have the ball roll on the whole gutter and then the alley will shake and the pins will fall. We got a secret strike and spare (since we missed the first time).The day after was just a nice day to relax at home. I did some spanish lessons and I was supposed to have soccer at the end of the day but it was cancelled due to hail and tornado warnings.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
The Lorax
Yesterday me and my friend Isaak and the rest of my family + my sisters friends and my grandma went to place d'Orleans to go see The Lorax. The movie was outside, and there was face painting, balloons and more. The movie started at 9:00 and ended at about 10:30. When we got back home, me and Isaak played our DS's until about 1:30. Then we started saying some random words and went to sleep. The day after, me and Isaak played on the computer. We just played the games that we generally like to play together. We also did some basketball trick shots in my room. (With mini nets and ball) After he left, my friend Nicolas called to invite me over to his house to play. So I went to his house and we played skylanders. The game wasn't really working, so we watched some TV instead. We watched America's funniest home videos, spongebob and sea monsters, or something like that. Sea monsters is a show where a guy tries to catch monsters that live underwater. Like a big sting ray, for example. We also went swimming in his pool and we would steal each others mats to relax on. After returning home, I relaxed for the rest of the day.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Fun at the splash pad
Today I went to eat lunch at Casey's with my good friend Kitty since it was her birthday. I had some crispy fish, it was really delicious. After eating lunch, me, my dad and my sister went to the splash pad close to our church. Me and Emily sprayed each other and we made a river. We dug a little path and put water in it. Not such a busy day.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
My friend's cottage
I went to my friend Miguel's cottage on Sunday for five days. The first day I played some croquet, went kayaking, played the wii, the DS, and had a lot of fun. The day after, we had a ring tournament. There were 2 boards and you had to get the ring in the holes to score or on the board but the next person could cancel the points. Me and Miguel were on a team, and we lost all of our games. We also went swimming in the lake and we canoed. We also played the wii and DS and some croquet. We also played pass the ace at the end of the day. The day after we did pretty much the same things and played spoons at the end of the day. The day after, we played croquet, swam in the lake, went to the "beach" And played video games. We also played jok-r-ummy at the end of the day. The day after we went swimming, me and Miguel had a croquet duel and I lost by four shots, we played a couple games of the "ring toss", played video games and had lots of fun. The final day, we went swimming, played inside, played a baseball game and when we left we went to get ice cream. I had a rolo ice cream. I had a lot of fun.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Baseball tournament
Yesterday I played three games of baseball which lasted the whole day. I had lots of fun, I hit a real good pop-fly but they caught it. I mostly did walks. We won all three games which meant we'd go in the finals the next day. Between games me and my friend Isaak would play with my flying bird (my other friends too), we'd eat, play my DS and just talk. We also watched the senior games, they pitched really fast and they were really good teams. The day after was our finals game, and we won 1st place!!! It was a close enough game, we won by 7 points. There was also cake at the end. We were all awarded a trophy. I had so much fun playing baseball this year.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Lots of friends
Three days ago, I went to my friend Jacob's house to play. We played skylanders, watched skylanders youtube videos, played on his trampoline and swam in his pool. We played an army game in the pool, where we both made bases any we had to destroy the opponents base with weapons and vehicles. I had a great time. The day after, Emily had her ear appointment. She has to drink medicine 3 times a day and she might have to go to Cheo again only if the medicine doesn't get the fluid out of her ears. The results were good. After that, we went to the library. I got a hardy boys book and some nintendo power magazines. After that we swam at my cousin Alexandra's. My cousin Ben was there too.We also went to play at the park. We practiced hitting for baseball. The day after, I had a baseball game at about 6:30 in the afternoon. We lost by 1 point and three of our players got hurt. The day after me and Emily invited our friend's Neve and Isaak to play. Me and Isaak played guitar hero, skylanders, we played on the computer, we played magic the gathering (a card game), we played nerf and we played badminton against my dad outside. We almost beat my dad for most of the games but we lost them all and had lots of fun.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Canada day
Two days ago, me and my dad went to Canada day close to the parliament to volunteer. We helped with putting kids on the fun train, and we helped give away the lunches. At one point, I was doing the lunches alone. We had a fun time, we got cheese curds, oreos, a piece of pizza and we saw all sorts of cool spray paintings and lots more! After Canada day, we went to my grandma's house for a BBQ. We also went swimming in the pool. After that, we went to the Alcid Trudeau park (the vars park) to see fireworks for Canada day. They were very cool and I saw a few of my friends. The day after I went to my friend Nicolas' to play. My sister also played with his younger sister, Maya. We went swimming in their pool and me and Nicolas played Skylanders. We levelled up my new characters and had lots of fun. After playing with him me, my sister and my mom all went for a run around the block. We did about 3.8 kilometers.
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